Why Fish With Us!

  • Our Customers Say It Was The Most Fun & Enjoyable Trip They Have Ever Been On
  • We Have Very Affordable Fishing Trips
  • Top Notch Guides, Boats & Equipment
  • Bring Your Preferred Drinks & Snacks, We’ve Got The Rest.
  • We Make It Easy!
  • 5 Hour Trips Instead of 4 Hour Trips.  After fishing this lake for many years, Billy found the 5 Hour trip is by far the best. Stripers feed on 4 to 5 hour intervals, so years ago we extended our 4-hour trip to 5 hours. Many days this lets you get in on a second feed and gives you a chance to Double Your Catch over a 4-hour trip.  We do not charge for the extra hour. Our Gift To You!

Who Put This Group Together? Billy Flatt

The Following Is About Billy & The Short Of It Is, He Knows His Stuff

In June of 1968 Percy Priest Lake was at full pool and consider a lake, Billy was 13 years old.  A neighbor who had a boat asks him if he wanted to go to the new lake to fish. He said he was so excited and couldn’t believe is eyes when he saw the new big lake for the first time. The roads he had ridden on in his parent’s car were gone, covered with up to 100’ of water.

Billy has actually fished Percy Priest Lake since it was first a lake. After a few years Billy had saved enough money to buy a car. A boat purchased was close behind. He often would spend several days on the water at a time, sleeping on the boat.

In the early 2000’s when a friend asks him to go on a guided fishing trip to catch Stripers, that’s when things started changing for Billy. He fell in love with these Big Saltwater Fish. 

Billy Has now been fishing Percy Priest Lake for over 50 years.  Over these years sense 1968 he had a family.  His son Cody was 14 at this time about the same age Billy was when he started fishing Percy Priest.  Billy & Cody started fishing Striper tournaments. They did very well, winning Angler Of The Year for the next three years in a row. The word spread of Billy & Cody’s success in the winning of the Angler Of The Year awards. Sharing the love of fishing over the years Billy made several friends that were fishing guides. In 2005 one of them asked him if he wanted to do a guide trip for him. With the same excitement as he had as a young boy when he saw Percy Priest Lake for the first time, he said yes, I would. Well, he didn’t know it at the time, but that first paid guided fishing trip was the start of a new and long career.

Over the years Billy has put a team of guides together.  These are the best guides on the lake.  Billy has known them for many years.  These guides are not only great fisherman, but are great people.  Billy’s team have an unbeatable strategy.  All of the guides work together.  When one guide finds fish, they notify the team.  It is like being in 5 to 10 places at one time.  No other service can match this.

Size Does Matter!

You will really enjoy them!

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