It’s Striper Time!  Big Fish!  Big Fun! 

Stripers & Hybrids – Fish Percy Priest Lake

March through December are great months for Striper fishing on Percy Priest.

Percy Priest is among the best fishing lakes in the country.

Striper fishing is a unique fishing experience. If you are used to fishing for bass or crappie, you will love Striper fishing. If a person catches a six pound bass, he thinks “Wow” what a fish. Well, a six pound Striper is just our average size fish. We regularly catch fish in the fifteen to twenty pound range.  Striper fishing is very easy fishing. You don’t have to be an expert caster to have a good chance of catching a fish. Anyone can Striper fish from young kids to seniors. With Striper fishing, we will use big live bait on planner boards, balloons, down lines or we will troll. Your arm may be sore at the end of the day from catching big fish, but it will not be from having to cast a rod a thousand times.

Fun Time On The Water!

By now you are probably sensing how much fun Percy Priest Lake is and how much everyone loves fishing here. As you have heard, the fishing is great, but we want to add more to your fishing experience. We do not want you to have just a good day, we want you to have a great, fun day. During the peak fishing times of the day, we will focus on fishing, but as we get out of those peak times, there are other things you can enjoy. For example, we can anchor out in a secluded cove and break for lunch. And during the summer, kids (and the big kids too) really enjoy swimming. For you hard core fisherman we will run, gun and fish your whole trip. For everyone else we like to work in fishing, swimming, eating, and having fun. Our only goal is to make this the most fun fishing trip you have ever been on.

We are so blessed in Middle Tennessee to have such a great striper fishery. Biologists say that fish of this size feed daily so by adapting to different type shad spawns, depths, water temperatures, and other seasonal patterns, we can enjoy some great fishing right here in Nashville. We have so much confidence in this lake because trip after trip it produces happy customers.

Great Fishing

Best Price Guarantee

Half Trip Special

Stripers & Hybrids – Percy Priest Lake

Check Availability & Trip Times

$190 – 1 Person

2 Person  $240
3 Person  $290
4 Person  $340
5 Person  $390
6 Person  $440

Trip Hours

9:00am to 11:30am & 11:30am to 2:00pm

Although the 2 ½ hour half trip is a short trip it is a great trip for someone who has limited time to spend on the water.  We usually catch about half as many fish as we do on the 5 hour full trip.

Full Trip Special

Stripers & Hybrids – Percy Priest Lake

Check Availability & Trip Times

1 – 3 Person  $375
4 Person  $475
5 Person  $575
6 Person  $675

Trip Hours

 6:30am to 11:30am & 11:30am to 4:30pm

Call for pricing for 7 to 30 people

After fishing this lake for many years,  I’ve found a 5 hour trip is by far the best. These fish feed every 4 to 5 hours, so I extended my 4 hour trip to 5 hours. Many days this lets us get in on a second feed and gives us a chance to catch double the number of fish than on a 4 hour trip.  I do not charge for the extra hour.  My Gift To You!

  • Morning or evening trips available.
  • Sometimes fish bite better in the mornings and sometimes they bite better in the afternoons. No one knows why or what days this will happen. Most of our regular customers will get one morning trip & one afternoon trip this way they have it covered. You can do a morning & afternoon trip in the same day or do them on different days.
  • What Makes Our Guides The Best? We have an unbeatable strategy.  All the guides on the team work together.  When one guide finds fish, they notify all the team.  It is like being in 5 to 10 places at one time.  No other service can match this.  Size Does Matter!

Why Fish with Billy Flatt?

The short of it about Billy is, he knows his stuff. In 2018 he has been fishing these waters for 50 years. If you’ve got a minute I think you will enjoy reading the next story, it is about his life and how he became a fishing guide.

Billy is a Nashville native, raised between the Cumberland River and Percy Priest Lake. As a boy even before Percy Priest Lake existed, Billy would walk or ride his bicycle to the Cumberland River and fish from the bank on a regular basis. As a young boy, Crappie was among his favorites. One could imagine the building of a lake in a small community was the talk of the town. Well, in 1968 Percy Priest Lake was at full pool. Billy was 13 years old when a neighbor who had a boat asks him if he wanted to go to the new lake to fish. He said he was so excited and couldn’t believe is eyes when he saw the big lake for the first time. The roads he had ridden on in his parents car were gone, covered with up to 100’ of water. He remembers putting in at Elm Hill boat ramp. There wasn’t a marina there then just the boat ramp. He recalls going out of Elm Hill Cove across the lake to Bear Island. The first place he wet a line was at the Old Hickory Boulevard Road Bed where it runs upon the north side of Bear Island. Although you can still make out the old roads to this day, he said it looked a lot different in 1968. There were still lines on the roads coming out of the water. He has actually fished Percy Priest Lake since it was a lake. After a few years Billy had saved enough money to buy a car. A boat purchased was close behind. He often would spend several days on the water at a time, sleeping on the boat. As he got older although he continued to fish, life happened. He got married had kids and worked a job that required long hours. He didn’t get to fish as much as he would have liked, but little did he know things would change someday. Over the years Billy changed professions and didn’t have as much hourly demand on him as he did earlier in his life. He recalls his new job didn’t pay as good, but he has more spare time than he has had since he was a kid. Guess what he started doing on a regular basis, yep fishing. It wasn’t until the early 2000’s when a friend ask him to go on a guided fishing trip to catch Stripers, that things started changing for Billy. He fell in love with these Big saltwater fish.
In late 2004 he and his son Cody who was 14 at the time started fishing Striper tournaments. They did very well, winning Angler Of The Year for the next three years in a row. The word spread of Billy & Cody’s success in the winning of the Angler Of The Year awards. Sharing the love of fishing over the years Billy made several friends that were fishing guides. In 2005 one of them asked him if he wanted to do a guide trip for him. With the same excitement as he had as a young boy when he saw Percy Priest Lake for the first time, he said yes I would. Well, he didn’t know it at the time, but that first paid guided fishing trip was the start of a new and long career. That same year Billy sold his business and has been a full time fishing guide ever since. Billy laughingly says, “I was slow, it took me to the age of 50 before I figured out what I wanted to do”. Since starting his guide service in 2005 he and his son Cody has done numerous television fishing shows and is a stable on the Cumberland River, Percy Priest Lake & Tims Ford Lake. Billy is on the water almost everyday. If interested in a guided fishing trip, give him a call. You may even hear one of his clients yell out, fish on!
This is a picture of Billy (on right) with his idol the great Ralph Dallas on a Canadian fishing trip for walleye.

“Ralph is not only my idol but also a good friend, he is the only man I have ever known that I agree with everything he says, the man is just brilliant.” Billy Flatt

All Charters Are Private Charters, Only You & Your Guest Will Be On Board.

We Are A Full Time Charter Service, Fishing Seven Days A Week.

Things to bring for your fishing trip in Nashville, TN:

Please Discuss With Your Guest

  • Drinks and Snacks In A Small Cooler (no glass)
  • Sunglasses & Hat
  • If Using Spray-On Sunscreens Please Apply Before Getting On The Boat
  • Clean Soft Sole Shoes
  • For Summer Trips, wear A Swimsuit And Bring Towels
  • Fishing License Online:
    • If Non-Resident Choose 3 Day, No Trout
    • If Resident Choose 1 Day, No Trout
    • Everyone Fishing Who Is 13 Years Old And Older Needs A Fishing License
    • If You Need Additional Information About Your Fishing License Call TWRA 615-781-6500

We Have Everything Else!

  • All rods & reels, bait & tackle are furnished.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring on the trip?

Just drinks & snacks in a small personal cooler to save room in the boat, we have everything else.

Do you always catch fish?

Not always, but we usually do.

Can I keep fish?

Yes, you are welcome to keep fish.  Before you arrive for your trip ask your guide what you need to put your fish in.

Do you clean the fish?

No, we no longer can do any type of food processing.

Do I need to bring my own rods & reels or bait?

No, we have everything all you need to bring is a small cooler with drinks & snacks.

Do you run party boats where you mix people?

No, our charters are private charters. There will only be you and you guest onboard.

What if we encounter inclement weather?

Safety is our primary concern. In inclement weather where safety is an issue fishing trips may be rescheduled if possible or cancelled if the captain deems necessary.

Where do you recommend I stay in the area?

There are several places to stay, after booking your guide will be calling you. Tell him all your plans while you are here. He will be able to recommend the best places to stay to meet all your needs.

Are There Anything Else I Need To Know?

Yes, you will need to know the logistics of your specific trip.  After booking your trip your guide will be calling you.  He will go over your trip details, including the meeting place with directions, etc.  He will also answer any other questions you may have at that time.  The main thing you need to do next is to book your trip.  This is what reserves the date & trip you would like to go on so no one else can get that time slot.  Click Here To “Check Availability & Book Your Trip”

Use the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left corner of the video to select from our other available videos.

We are on the water fishing every day, please look at FAQ (frequently asked questions) & Check Availability.  If you still need to call, please do.  Thanks.

(615) 812-2091

About Billy

Why Fish with Billy Flatt?

The short of it about Billy is, he knows his stuff. In 2018 he has been fishing these waters for 50 years. If you’ve got a minute I think you will enjoy reading the next story, it is about his life and how he became a fishing guide.

Billy is a Nashville native, raised between the Cumberland River and Percy Priest Lake. As a boy even before Percy Priest Lake existed, Billy would walk or ride his bicycle to the Cumberland River and fish from the bank on a regular basis. As a young boy, Crappie was among his favorites. One could imagine the building of a lake in a small community was the talk of the town. Well, in 1968 Percy Priest Lake was at full pool. Billy was 13 years old when a neighbor who had a boat asks him if he wanted to go to the new lake to fish. He said he was so excited and couldn’t believe is eyes when he saw the big lake for the first time. The roads he had ridden on in his parents car were gone, covered with up to 100’ of water. He remembers putting in at Elm Hill boat ramp. There wasn’t a marina there then just the boat ramp. He recalls going out of Elm Hill Cove across the lake to Bear Island. The first place he wet a line was at the Old Hickory Boulevard Road Bed where it runs upon the north side of Bear Island. Although you can still make out the old roads to this day, he said it looked a lot different in 1968. There were still lines on the roads coming out of the water. He has actually fished Percy Priest Lake since it was a lake. After a few years Billy had saved enough money to buy a car. A boat purchased was close behind. He often would spend several days on the water at a time, sleeping on the boat. As he got older although he continued to fish, life happened. He got married had kids and worked a job that required long hours. He didn’t get to fish as much as he would have liked, but little did he know things would change someday. Over the years Billy changed professions and didn’t have as much hourly demand on him as he did earlier in his life. He recalls his new job didn’t pay as good, but he has more spare time than he has had since he was a kid. Guess what he started doing on a regular basis, yep fishing. It wasn’t until the early 2000’s when a friend ask him to go on a guided fishing trip to catch Stripers, that things started changing for Billy. He fell in love with these Big saltwater fish.
In late 2004 he and his son Cody who was 14 at the time started fishing Striper tournaments. They did very well, winning Angler Of The Year for the next three years in a row. The word spread of Billy & Cody’s success in the winning of the Angler Of The Year awards. Sharing the love of fishing over the years Billy made several friends that were fishing guides. In 2005 one of them asked him if he wanted to do a guide trip for him. With the same excitement as he had as a young boy when he saw Percy Priest Lake for the first time, he said yes I would. Well, he didn’t know it at the time, but that first paid guided fishing trip was the start of a new and long career. That same year Billy sold his business and has been a full time fishing guide ever since. Billy laughingly says, “I was slow, it took me to the age of 50 before I figured out what I wanted to do”. Since starting his guide service in 2005 he and his son Cody has done numerous television fishing shows and is a stable on the Cumberland River, Percy Priest Lake & Tims Ford Lake. Billy is on the water almost everyday. If interested in a guided fishing trip, give him a call. You may even hear one of his clients yell out, fish on!
This is a picture of Billy (on right) with his idol the great Ralph Dallas on a Canadian fishing trip for walleye.

“Ralph is not only my idol but also a good friend, he is the only man I have ever known that I agree with everything he says, the man is just brilliant.” Billy Flatt

Your Trip

All Charters Are Private Charters, Only You & Your Guest Will Be On Board.

We Are A Full Time Charter Service, Fishing Seven Days A Week.

Things to bring for your fishing trip in Nashville, TN:

Please Discuss With Your Guest

  • Drinks and Snacks In A Small Cooler (no glass)
  • Sunglasses & Hat
  • If Using Spray-On Sunscreens Please Apply Before Getting On The Boat
  • Clean Soft Sole Shoes
  • For Summer Trips, wear A Swimsuit And Bring Towels
  • Fishing License Online:
    • If Non-Resident Choose 3 Day, No Trout
    • If Resident Choose 1 Day, No Trout
    • Everyone Fishing Who Is 13 Years Old And Older Needs A Fishing License
    • If You Need Additional Information About Your Fishing License Call TWRA 615-781-6500

We Have Everything Else!

  • All rods & reels, bait & tackle are furnished.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring on the trip?

Just drinks & snacks in a small personal cooler to save room in the boat, we have everything else.

Do you always catch fish?

Not always, but we usually do.

Can I keep fish?

Yes, you are welcome to keep fish.  Before you arrive for your trip ask your guide what you need to put your fish in.

Do you clean the fish?

No, we no longer can do any type of food processing.

Do I need to bring my own rods & reels or bait?

No, we have everything all you need to bring is a small cooler with drinks & snacks.

Do you run party boats where you mix people?

No, our charters are private charters. There will only be you and you guest onboard.

What if we encounter inclement weather?

Safety is our primary concern. In inclement weather where safety is an issue fishing trips may be rescheduled if possible or cancelled if the captain deems necessary.

Where do you recommend I stay in the area?

There are several places to stay, after booking your guide will be calling you. Tell him all your plans while you are here. He will be able to recommend the best places to stay to meet all your needs.

Are There Anything Else I Need To Know?

Yes, you will need to know the logistics of your specific trip.  After booking your trip your guide will be calling you.  He will go over your trip details, including the meeting place with directions, etc.  He will also answer any other questions you may have at that time.  The main thing you need to do next is to book your trip.  This is what reserves the date & trip you would like to go on so no one else can get that time slot.  Click Here To “Check Availability & Book Your Trip”


Use the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left corner of the video to select from our other available videos.


We are on the water fishing every day, please look at FAQ (frequently asked questions) & Check Availability.  If you still need to call, please do.  Thanks.

(615) 812-2091
